
How to close ipv6 under Wind7

Use commands as follows to close ipv6 under Win7
netsh interface teredo set state disable
netsh interface 6to4 set state disabled
netsh interface isatap set state disabled
Use commands as follows to reuse ipv6 under Win7 
netsh interface teredo set state default
netsh interface 6to4 set state default
netsh interface isatap set state default
Note, if you are given the warning that Administrator permissions are needed, you should find cmd.exe and " Run as Administrator".


Some tips in coding from Grilles Caulier (first summary)

During coding for Google Summer of Code, Grilles Caulier help me fix my codes. He shows me many tips that should be pay attention when coding. I make a summary and list them here.
Note:red lines are my code, green lines is modified codes by Grilles.
1.one space is enough between "class" and class name:
class  ImageCloneWidget::ImageCloneWidgetPriv
class ImageCloneWidget::ImageCloneWidgetPriv
2.Code annotations of adjacent code lines should be aligned.
QPoint         startPoint; // the first point of a stroke
QPoint         dis;//dis means the distance between startPoit and centerPoint, the value can be negative
// Current spot position in preview coordinates.
QPoint         startPoint;  // the first point of a stroke
QPoint         dis;         //dis means the distance between startPoit and centerPoint, 
// the value can be negative.

                            // Current spot position in preview coordinates.
3.Use "Enter" appropriately.
QPixmap brushmap = d->m_settings.brush.getPixmap().scaled(QSize(d->m_settings.mainDia,d-
QPixmap brushmap = d->settings.brush.getPixmap().scaled(QSize(d->settings.mainDia, d----->settings.mainDia), 
4.Align code lines at the beginning and codes follow "//" without spaces:
// DImg*   getOrigImage(); 
DImg*   getMaskImg(); 
//DImg*   getPreview();
DImg*   getPreviewMask();
//DImg*   getOrigImage(); 
DImg*   getMaskImg(); 
//DImg*   getPreview();
DImg*   getPreviewMask();
5.Use const ref when pass class arguments
QPoint  getDis();
QPoint  getOriDis();
QPoint  getDis() const;
QPoint  getOriDis() const;
6.No spaces between "(" and function parameters. Use a space after "," between two parameters.
bool    inimage( DImg *img,const int x,const int y);
bool    inimage(DImg* img, const int x, const int y);
7.Put "*" next to close to class name other than variable name, don't forget "&" when use a const variable as function parameter.
void    TreateAsBordor(DImg *image,const int x,const int y);
void    addToMask(const QPoint point);
void    TreateAsBordor(DImg* image, const int x, const int y);
void    addToMask(const QPoint& point);
8.If widget is based on QObject, do not include header, but moc file instead at top level of file.
#include "imageclonewidget.h"
#include "imageclonewidget.moc"
9.With slots declaration in header, you must specify public/protected/private with QT macro.
void    setPreview();
public Q_SLOTS:
void    setPreview();
10.No space between last function parameter and ")".
explicit ImageCloneWidget(QWidget* parent=0,const CloneContainer& settings =CloneContainer() );
explicit ImageCloneWidget(QWidget* parent=0, const CloneContainer& settings=CloneContainer());

11.Put private class member of a class at the bottom.
class ImageCloneWidgetPriv;
ImageCloneWidgetPriv* const d; 
bool timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
bool timerEvent(QTimerEvent*);
class ImageCloneWidgetPriv;
ImageCloneWidgetPriv* const d; 
12.Align variable names in adjacent lines.
QMap<int,CloneBrush> brushMap;
int brushID;
bool selectMode;
bool drawMode;
bool drawEnable;
QMap<int, CloneBrush> brushMap;
int                   brushID;
bool                  selectMode;
bool                  drawMode;
bool                  drawEnable;
13.Never return NULL for a QPixmap(). 
QPixmap CloneBrush::getPixmap()
return brushMap;
else return NULL;
QPixmap CloneBrush::getPixmap()
return brushMap;
return QPixmap();
14.Never user tabs in source code. use 4 spaces instead.